Elsie and Saturnino Carpio

The Carpios share stories of their early days in the plantation camps. Saturnino (Sat) Carpio recalls the reasons why he came to the Hawaii from the Philippines and describes the work that he performed on the plantation, as a knapsack sprayer. Elsie and Sat talk about their first meeting, at a candidata dance. Sat talks about his role as the chairman of the Housing Committee and the process of obtaining housing when the plantation companies started to phase out. He describes the bango number system and the sadness of the final days of the plantation industry in Kohala.


Carpios introduce themselves.
SS President Wilson

Coming to Hawaii

Saturnino (Sat) Carpio describes how he came to the decision to leave the Philippines to work on the plantation.
Photo credit: Wikipedia

The Job of the Knapsack Sprayer

Sat Carpio describes the job of the knapsack worker.
Photo credit: National Photo Company Collection, via Wikimedia Commons

How They Met

Elsie Carpio describes the candidata dances, where she met her future husband.

Photo courtesy of Elsie and Saturnino Carpio

Bango Numbers

Bango numbers served as one's ID number and was used for everything including getting your paycheck. "No bango, no pay." 
Photo credit: WorthPoint

The End of the Plantation Days

Photo courtesy of Elsie and Saturnino Carpio

Additional resources


Credits and video information

Recording date: 12/23/21
Location: Maliu Ridge, Kohala

Videographer: Lucas Manuel-Scheibe
Editor: Lucas Manuel-Scheibe