This is Kohala

This is Kohala Film

This is Kohala is a 30-minute documentary film produced by Kohala Oral History Project, based on the interviews gathered in the project between 2021-2022. Archival photos and videos were incorporated into the film.

The film was broadcast on PBS Hawai‘i in 2024. 

Watch the film

Watch the Q&A with the filmmakers

The film was shared with the Kohala community on July 5, 2023 at the Kohala Resilience Hub in Kohala, Hawai‘i. Over 120 people from the community attended the event.

Getting ready for the show.

Carolyn Sugiyama Classen

Jocelyn Manuel and Lucas Manuel-Scheibe

The crowd overflowed out from the Hub.

120 people attended the screening

Panelists (L-R): Jocelyn Manuel, Bryan Cambell, Tom Morse, Carolyn Classen, Jeff Coakley

Banner photo courtesy of North Kohala Public Library (Kohala Sugar Company, 1971).